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Deep Chaos

A period when Turkey was plunged into darkness

"THE NIGHT WHEN THE NATION DEVASTATED THE TRAITOR: JULY 15, 2016", when Turkey was wished to be plunged into darkness, DEEP CHAOS night;

The leader of the community, Fettullah Gülen, aimed to lead Turkey as the caliph and carry out the 15th of July coup with PARALLEL STRUCTURE by convincing those who served him and the traitors, that every step they took on this path was permissible with the operations that are so-called service movement carried out in line with his own interests, aimed to establish a state within the state.

Last Wish

Deniz has a child from an extra-marital affair years ago. When her father finds out that she is pregnant, she disowns her and kicks her out of the house. When she goes to tell the man she loves about the situation, she learns that she committed suicide. She stays on the street with her baby in her belly. Feride, Tolga's older sister, takes care of Deniz for her baby. She gives an apartment of her mother's house to Deniz. And his wife, Osman's market, Deniz makes a living by working as a cashier. Feride looks at Deniz as if she is the trust of her brother Tolga. After a while, Feride became like the older sister Deniz never had, that is, like her family.